
What Happens If Glen Canyon Dam’s Power Shuts Off?

Lake Powell is drying behind one of the Southwest’s largest hydropower plants.

Colorado River Research Group Delivers Message of Water Limits

Veteran scholars argue that creative solutions for the iconic watershed must begin with a hard fact, something our Brett Walton finds refreshing.

Jolted by Reality, Colorado River Water Managers Plan for Persistent Drought

Unprepared for more years of drought, basin states work to preserve…

Runoff Forecast for Colorado River Shrinks in March

Heading into the last weeks of winter, the Colorado River Basin…

The Stream, July 23: Looking Ahead As U.S. Drought Persists

The U.S. drought could last through October, prolonged by potential…
Lake Mead Water level Issues

Good Snow Season Triggers Bonus Water for Lake Mead

The reservoir is expected to rise nearly 30 feet, and power output at the Hoover Dam will increase as well.

Arizona’s Gamble — Conserve Water Now, Prevent Deeper Cuts Tomorrow

For years, the state took as much water as it could from Lake Mead; now it plans to leave some in the reservoir.

Low Water May Halt Hoover Dam’s Power

What happens if Lake Mead drops too low to generate electricity at Hoover Dam?

Running Dry: One Man’s Journey to Raise Awareness About the Shrinking Colorado River

In 2008 journalist and photographer Jon Waterman spent five months traveling the Colorado River to understand the extent of its shrinking.

Lake Powell to get boost

SALT LAKE CITY - Snowmelt will raise half-empty Lake Powell by…

Alternatives proposed for Nevada pipeline

Commentary in Salt Lake Tribune by Mark BirdWestern Utah may…