
Photo Slideshow and Q&A: Om Prakash Singh Documents the Perception and Harsh Realities of Water and Sanitation in Delhi, India
Delhi reportedly has a high percentage of coverage for sanitation and water supply. But one photographer has 74,000 images spanning the last 10 years that challenge the perception of progress

Tehuacán Video Essay: Scarcity and Solutions – Pt. 1
The Tehuacán Valley captures the tragedy and triumph of Mexico’s worst freshwater crisis in decades. In this video, meet Francisca Rosas Valencia, a leader who is working to better her community's water future.

Circle of Blue Director Appointed to World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Water Security
J. Carl Ganter is director of Circle of Blue, a global water…

Infographic: Three Eras of Water — The History of the Relationship Between Civilization and Nature
The infographic portrays the evolution of water technology, including its immediate successes of human progress and the disadvantages of that progress. Based on an essay by Peter Gleick, the scientific, social, and historical findings are translated into this piece, putting those patterns in a contemporary light.

Infographic: World’s Population with Access to Safe Drinking Water
Entry in the 2011 Urban Water Design Challenge, sponsored by…

Infographic: Breakdown of Water Consumption and Use in Fastest-Urbanizing Countries
The relative water consumption per capita, percent usage of available freshwater in each country, and the respective breakdowns of use in agricultural, municipal, and industrial sectors are shown for the 120 fastest-urbanizing countries.

Peter Gleick: Where Have All Our Drinking Water Fountains Gone?
Where have all our drinking water fountains gone? They have been…

Peter Gleick: 2010 Hottest Year on Record—The Graph That Should Be on the Front Page of Every Newspaper
Climate change is worsening, fast. The National Climate Data Center of the National Oceanic

Bottling Wastewater Expands Island’s Oasis—Singapore’s NEWater Path to Independence
Singapore is first to bottle and sell wastewater for drinking.
Q&A: Jonathan Waterman on Running Dry
Jonathan Waterman has lived for five months on the waters of the Colorado River--he's paddled its length and then walked when the river ran out.

Giving Our Choke Point The Heimlich Maneuver
In the U.S. a fifth of all energy may be consumed by water, and the biggest use of water – 42% by some estimates – is for energy.

Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water, at Last
I've often daydreamed about what an alien civilization would think about Earth if it were ever to come visit.