Asian Carp Knocking at the Great Lakes’ Door; Michigan Attorney General Seeks To Slam It Shut
New threat reopens century-old legal battle over diversion of Great Lakes.
Towards a Blue Economy: Michigan’s Freshwater Future
Midwest leader travels to Mideast to secure his state’s blue economy.
Congress, Michigan Legislature Asked to Fix Leaks in Great Lakes Compact
It’s been more than a year since eight states agreed to prevent large-scale diversions from the Great Lakes, the most abundant source of clean freshwater on the planet. The passage of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, completed after ten years of campaigning by public interest organizations, legislative leaders, and governors of both parties, was meant to permanently secure the globally significant storehouse of water contained in the Great Lakes.
The Middle East and Midwest Come Together in Water Tech Partnerships
Michigan Looks Forward and Sees a New, Blue Economy
Business and government leaders in Southeast Michigan want to move beyond the green economy to a blue one, leveraging the state’s plentiful freshwater access for its economic advantage.
Peter Gleick: Water use in the United States has Leveled off: New Remarkable Numbers Released
New numbers on total water use in the United States in 2005 have just been released by the U.S. Geological Survey, which does an assessment of water use every five years.
Michigan Group Seeks to Curtail Great Lakes Mining
A Michigan environmental advocacy group is collecting signatures for a ballot measure to limit mining around the Great Lakes.
The group, the Michigan Save Our Water Committee, hopes to collect 400,000 signatures on a statewide petition by May so its question will make the 2010 general election ballot.
Taking Back the Tap, One City at A Time
Water Designer Turns Box Thinking Inside Out
While the recent UNESCO Water Report encourages stakeholders…
Detroit Drinking More Than Its Share from River, says Ontario
HAMILTON, Ontario -- Detroit, Michigan's Motor City, has been…
Detroit’s Head Almost Above Water (and Sewer)
A troubled metropolitan water and sewer department that serves…