
U.S. EPA Avoids Stricter Water Pollution Standards for Gulf of Mexico

Court decision makes it easier for EPA to leave nutrient pollution…

Asian Carp Swarm South of Chicago As Consensus on Permanent Solution Eludes Nation

New legislative proposal focuses on less expensive, short-term…

World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water

Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway. Photo…

U.S. Congress to Get Asian Carp Solutions by 2013, Two Years Ahead of Schedule

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking steps to speed up…
The opening of the Morganza spillway resulted almost immediately in the flooding of farmland located within the floodway. Flooding of farmland caked in fertilizer is a threat to the Gulf of Mexico because it could increase the size of the dead-zone.

Agriculture and Sewage Dead Zone: Taking on Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River Watershed

As the impact of agriculture on water quality intensifies around the globe, two lawsuits in the United States aim to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico's ‘dead zone’ by setting limits on nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin.

The Stream, March 16: Emissions On The Rise

Climate Change Fossil fuels will supply 85 percent of the world's…

Third Time’s Not A Charm: U.S. Supreme Court Again Denies Request to Stop Asian Carp

The Supreme Court denied a request by five states that were calling for immediate action to stop invasive Asian carp from infiltrating the Great Lakes. This is the third time that the court has denied an injunction for the Asian carp case.
Asian Carp Barrier Map

Study Outlines Plans to Stop Asian Carp at Chicago

Three proposals for separating the Great Lakes from the Mississippi…

The Stream, February 1: Reversing the Chicago River to Stop Asian Carp

United States Separating the Great Lakes from the Mississippi…

Advance of the Invader: Asian Carp Continue March to Northern Waters

Live carp have been found in North Dakota and past the electric barriers in Chicago. As the carp push forward, Michigan and other Great Lakes states are once again asking the U.S. Supreme Court to speed up action to stop the advance of the invader.