
Australia Disbands National Water Commission

The water advisory group is a casualty of sharp cuts to the Commonwealth’s…

Draft Plan for Australia’s Murray-Darling Reignites Old Flames

After the 20-week public consultations ended last week, three key basin states have rejected the proposed plan, and more than 60 Australian academics have slammed the document for neglecting to include climate change projections and for its lack of transparency.

The Stream, November 29: New Water Blueprint for Australia’s Food Bowl

ABC Australia has published the Murray-Darling Basin Authority's…

The Stream, November 16: Air Pollution Worsens Droughts and Floods

Wind-generated electricity will cost the same as electricity…

The Stream, October 6: Climate Change in Australia

The weather extremes in Australia are a dress rehearsal for the…

Murray-Darling Basin Plan Angers Australian Farmers

A government plan to reduce irrigation diversions has farmers up in arms.

Steady Rains Deliver Needed Drink to Australia’s Murray-Darling

Southeastern Australia springs back to life after 10 years of thirst.