
North American Fossil Fuel Boom Raises Risks From Expanding Oil and Gas Transport Network
Surge in oil and gas production has seen more spills that are…

Tennessee’s Geology Shows the Local Peculiarity of Fracking
Circle of Blue's Brett Walton finds that little water is used for fracking in a state that is not known for its oil and gas production.

Deep Sea Gas: China Follows Japan in Pursuit of New Energy Source
Though methane hydrate, a newly discovered unconventional natural gas reserve, is seen as an alternative to coal-fueled power, the technology for tapping deepwater supplies is not yet viable.

Report: Half of U.S. Fracking Wells Drilled in Highly Water-stressed Regions
Energy companies should provide better data on fracking water…

To Frack Or Not? Let’s Ask The Right Question
It's apparent why a great number of Michigan residents wonder about the risks of fracking and whether the state and the federal government ought to shut the technology down. The industrial breakthrough that now enables developers to recover oil and natural gas from hydrocarbon-rich shales 6,000 to 10,000 feet beneath the surface is potentially fraught with danger.

Washington Water Main, February 22: Natural Gas and Climate Change Take Center Stage
A Senate committee hosts arguments on the federal government's role in the U.S. natural gas boom, while Democrats this week released a climate bill that could be the first in years to reach the Senate floor.
2012 Was Hot, Dry and Energy-Shifty in the U.S.
The data confirm it. Last year broke records for temperature…
Contest Between Water and Energy Becoming Big Story
Back from China, Circle of Blue's senior editor notices a trend creeping from our headlines to those of other news organizations around the world.
Oil and Water Don’t Mix in Lake Malawi Border Dispute
In the search for oil and natural gas, Africa’s third largest…
Global Coal Consumption Up 48 Percent 2001-2010, and Four Other Prominent Numbers from the BP Energy Review
Renewable energy consumption increases, but King Coal is tenacious.
The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?
South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…
The Stream, March 21: Drought, Fire, and Kenya’s Wildlife
Drought and Water Access
A forest fire in China's Yunnan province…