
Peter Gleick: Smart Water Meters, Dumb Meters, No Meters

How is it possible that a place like California, with such a long and painful history of water problems, remains so far behind the curve of smart water management?

Q&A: Peter Gleick Weighs in on the Bottled Water Battle

Why do people buy billions of gallons of expensive bottled water in the U.S., a country where most of the tap water is cheap and extremely high quality?

Peter Gleick: Farm Water Success Stories

The Pacific Institute has just released a new report, California Farm Water Success Stories, including a separate video, describing a variety of different examples of innovation in California's agricultural sector showing the way toward more efficient water management and use.

Peter Gleick: Saving our Tap Water — the Problem and the Solution

In general, tap water in the United States is remarkably safe -- the envy of people in much of the rest of the world. The water-related diseases that still kill millions of people throughout the world, like cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and more.

Peter Gleick: Another Missed Opportunity to Fix California’s Water Problems

It is raining this morning. Very unusual for September. Maybe we'll have a wet year.