
Peter Gleick: Water for Energy, the Bad Bet for Biofuels

In the ongoing debate about rethinking America's energy future,…

Peter Gleick: Is Some California Water Use Unconstitutional?

As of now, Sacramento has some new rules about water use.

Peter Gleick: Zero or All? What’s Really Happening in the Central Valley?

centralvalley Here is a short post, with two Water Numbers, and a request for real information if readers have it.

Peter Gleick: The Number of New Dams Built in California is Not Zero

Californians love (or hate) to fight about water in part because there are no easy solutions left.

California Drought: Snowpack Inspires Consumers, Worries Water Experts

One week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state-wide drought emergency for California, rangers reported Sierra snowpack levels at 80 percent of normal. While the measurements of this major source of water might seem cause for relief, experts hesitate.

The Power of Plastic: Research Reveals Hidden Costs of Bottled Water

As the second most highly purchased beverage in the nation, bottled…
Video: A World on the Verge of Water Bankruptcy

no reason: A World on the Verge of Water Bankruptcy

Reaching the Epiphany Moment, Video Makes Water Crisis Clear Can…

The World’s Water: Hard Facts Point Toward the Soft Path

Experts say water crises can be averted with better management,…

Op-ed: WaterWired recommends Peter Gleick as “White House Water Advisor”

WaterWired, an online resource for "all things fresh water",…

Photo essay — “Thirsty world: Desperate quest for water”

What Matters, a new anthology by David Elliot Cohen, continues…

Pacific Institute makes water policy recommendations for next president

OAKLAND, California -- Clear, integrated, domestic and international…

Much Ado About Water: Economist hosts debate

Is water a human right or is it a commodity? The Economist…