
Scene of Midwest’s Worst Oil Spill – Sleepless Nights and Black Goo
Students examine communities affected by Enbridge rupture on Kalamzoo River.

The Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region
Images from the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region--including Bhutan, Nepal, China, Tibet and India

China’s Water: Circle of Blue, Wilson Center Panel & Exhibit Jan. 20
Join Circle of Blue, the China Environment Forum and Western Kentucky University for Hidden Waters, Dragons in the Deep, a special discussion and photography exhibit opening at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on January 20 in Washington. Following the footsteps of centuries of scholarship within China, scientists around the world are studying China's complex karst landscape, working to empower local populations to gain access to water that flows in giant rivers unseen beneath the ground. Presented with support from USAID. RSVP here.

NASA Satellite Photos Capture a Decade of Land and Water Changes
As part of its 10-year anniversary, NASA’s Earth Observatory has compiled a gallery of images showing annual changes in the Earth’s land, water and atmosphere in places such as Central Asia, Australia, Iraq and the Amazon.

Alternative Adventure: Eco-explorer David De Rothschild to Travel the Pacific in Plastic Ship
After traversing Antarctica in 2004 and spending more than 100 days crossing the Arctic in 2006, in mid-November British adventurer and ecologist David de Rothschild will hoist sail across the Pacific Ocean on a boat made of plastic, or what he calls “the dumbest” product on the planet.

Visioning Flowing Waters, From Laos to Cambodia
Mouth to Source brings remote locations along the Mekong River to life
War on Water: A Clash Over Oil, Power and Poverty in the Niger Delta
Thousands Search for Fresh Water, Food in a Monumentally Contaminated War Zone
Ed Kashi: Oil and Conflict in the Niger Delta
Photo Slideshow: The Thirsty West Bank
In a Drying Land, a Constant Struggle for Water
Video: The Biggest Dry, Stories of Australia’s Waning Rivers & Worried Towns
A love song, a hymn of mourning: where has Australia's beloved water gone?