
James Workman: Mandela’s Global Water Ambassador Dies — A Reflection on South African Human Rights Lawyer, Kader Asmal

When Nelson Mandela named South Africa’s first democratic Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry – a futile effort to keep his outspoken, irascible, chain-smoking friend out of trouble – Kader Asmal claimed ignorance about the rudimentary basics of his new portfolio.
Tar Sands Map

South of the Border—Second Environmental Review of Tar Sands Pipeline Leaves Many Groups Unsatisfied

Residents and lawmakers in Nebraska mull their options for protecting key groundwater sources.

The Stream, April 13: Legal Matters

Dams in Brazil Despite calls for a moratorium, Brazil’s government…

Pakistan and India in Dam Building Race — Interpreting the Indus Waters Treaty

A new era of dam building brings uncertainty to the 50-year-old water truce between India and Pakistan.

Egypt’s Assets in Ethiopia May Help Ease Tensions Over Nile River

The African country reaches out to its Nile Basin neighbor.

Peter Gleick: California’s Next One Million Acre-Feet of Water

This is a key time for California water: we are coming off of three years of serious drought and growing political conflict over water allocations.

India Cancels Hydroelectric Project on Ganges Tributary

The 600 MW project is the third on the river scrapped because of environmental and religious pressure.

Infographic: Tripling Tar Sands Oil Imports, Pipeline and Refinery Map from Canada to U.S.

The industry is spending billions of dollars to develop more U.S. pipelines.

EPA and State Department Square Off On Tar Sands Pipeline

Water use and greenhouse gas emissions are major concerns with oil interests plays.

Countries Move Forward with Nile Treaty Despite Egypt’s Objections

A weekend meeting of the Nile basin water ministers does not resolve treaty impasse.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

Clean Water Act Proposal Would Strengthen Federal Protection

Opponents call the proposal a federal power grab, while the bill's author says it would restore the original intent of the landmark water legislation.