
Map: U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Ranked By Water Pollution
Report identifies worst offenders by discharges of arsenic, lead, and mercury.

Big Banks Finance Water-Damaging, Climate-Warming Energy Projects
Despite commitment to reduce national emissions, development banks spend $US billions on coal-fired power plants.

Report: U.S. EPA Has Chance to Vastly Reduce Water Pollution from Power Plants
EPA proposes tougher federal wastewater guidelines, while electricity…

Clean Water Act Turns 40 (Part II): A Harvest of Clean Water Exemptions on the Farm
The U.S. farm sector, more productive and richer than ever, is a major water polluter.

Report: Thirsty Power Plants Increase U.S. Water Stress
Water-energy choke points in Texas serve as examples of a larger issue for the United States, as pointed out in a new report for the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, spearheaded by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

The Stream, March 11: Japan Earthquake
An earthquake of 8.9. magnitude has hit Japan, triggering devastating…