The Stream, March 29: Shale Gas Prospects in China and California
Water Shortage
Years of uncontrolled digging of wells in Yemen…
The Stream, March 15: On Weather Extremes, Land Grabs and Nuclear Power
Climate Change
Australia should brace itself for higher temperatures…
The Stream, February 24: South Africa Invests in Energy
South Africa may invest $78 billion in new nuclear power…
The Stream, February 15: The World’s Water Footprint
The United States is the world's largest exporter, and one of…
Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes
Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to…
The Stream, January 10: Japan to Create Robot Farm in Tsunami Zone
The Japanese government plans to open a robot-run super farm…
The Stream, December 8: Water for Export
An Israeli desalination plant that is expected to start operations…
UN Report: Floods Threaten Southeast Asia Food Crisis, Disrupt Thai Car Industry
With hundreds of deaths, thousands of damaged hectares, and millions of refugees, this year's fall flooding has equated to a devastating wet season.
The Stream, June 15: The Cost of Nuclear Phase-Out
A survey by the Asahi newspaper shows that nearly three-quarters…
The Stream, June 6: Heavy Rains Relieve China’s Drought
Heavy rainfall over the weekend has eased the effects of the…
The Stream, May 9: Adapting to Climate Change
Genetically-modified crops are not the solution to Europe's growing…
Choke Point: China – Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country
An escalating confrontation over resources; a confrontation with global implications.