
WaterViews | Canada

Water is regarded as a serious issue by Canadians, particularly water pollution and the lack of safe drinking water.

WaterViews | China

Water pollution stands out as the most serious perceived environmental problem in China.

WaterViews | India

Compared to other environmental issues, Indians consider water pollution and fresh water shortages to be the most serious, together with failed food crops because of weather.

WaterViews | United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, the depletion of natural resources and water issues are regarded as two serious environmental issues.

WaterViews | United States

Americans demonstrate concern for water issues, particularly for water pollution and the lack of safe drinking water.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’

Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

WWF Report Scrutinizes Germany’s Water Consumption

marketmunich A new report shows that half of Germany’s water consumption comes from virtual water.

Drought-resistant Rice Reaps Success in India

A new variety of rice might prepare India's agriculture for a drier future.

Portents of Precipitation: New Atlas Predicts the Rain

stormclouds Researchers from the Australian National Universities (ANU) have created an unprecedented visual atlas of global rainfall projections over the next century.

Peter Gleick: Get Rid of Your Clunker

More on Inefficient Washing Machines (and Toilets and Irrigation Systems)

Peter Gleick: Why Do You Still Have a Top-loading Washing Machine?

Peter Gleick Washing MachineMy colleagues and I here at the Pacific Institute have been arguing for more than 15 years that California has enormous potential to save water by improving water use efficiency.

Budget Constraints, Anomalies Delay USGS Water Data Release

tap Budget and personnel issues have delayed the 2005 U.S. Geological Survey national water use data, leaving many in the water world anxiously awaiting its release.