
U.S. State Department Releases Annual Report on Water Aid

An assessment of U.S. spending for water aid shows that funding from USAID has increased, while Millennium Challenge water grants decreased.

Tar Sands Oil Production, An Industrial Bonanza, Poses Major Water Use Challenges

Ensuring Americans enjoy a lifestyle built on choice and mobility.

Pipeline Ties Detroit Refinery to “Dirtiest Source of Fossil Fuels”

State department says oil is needed; Congress leader joins activists in raising concerns.

Study Reviews Western United States’ Water and Energy Future

Proposed western water supply projects are energy- and carbon-intensive, research group says.

A Desperate Clinch: Coal Production Confronts Water Scarcity

In contest with coal, water takes a beating.

Flooding Kills Hundreds in Pakistan

Heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused rivers to overflow—triggering landslides, destroying villages and blocking rescue efforts.

EPA Announces Study to Re-Examine the Health Risks of Hydrofracking

States have begun implementing stricter standards for the controversial natural gas drilling process.

Q&A: Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson Connecting Aid and Water Online at

Bjelkeman-Pettersson talked to Circle of Blue during the Tällberg Rework the World Conference in Sweden about sharing information to change the global direction on water and sanitation issues.

Michigan’s New Natural Gas Rush: Energy and Water in Play

Unprecedented mineral leasing could be big for energy production and hydraulic fracturing.

PlayPump not a Panacea for Africa’s Water Problems

A technology once heralded as a simple solution to Africa’s drinking water problem now stands as a broken, unused and poorly planned reminder of international water aid’s latest misstep.

Q&A: Mission Plastiki—Catching Wind, Storing Rain: David de Rothschild’s Quest for Pacific Plastic

Following the Plastiki's journey 11,000 miles through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch--a Texas-sized gyre of plastic litter.

Indigenous People from Ecuador to Louisiana Forge Alliances Against Global Oil Spills

Indigenous leaders from Amazon rainforests to Bayou swamplands.