
Q&A: ‘Crude’ Director Joe Berlinger on Chevron Oil in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Featuring Live Earth, Vanity Fair cover, and a CNN Hero Award.

International Target for Reducing Biodiversity Losses Not Met, UN Report Says

Freshwater species and many aquatic habitats are threatened by pollution and climate change, among other factors.

California Water Board Changes Power Plant Regulations to Protect Aquatic Life

Power plants will be required to change their cooling systems to reduce the amount of water they withdraw from oceans and estuaries as a result.

Q&A: Paul Saffo on the Future of Media and a New Era of Environmentalism

Paul Saffo is a man who lives in the future, and he maps and predicts society’s biggest transformations. Paul is a Futurist who teaches at Stanford University, and for the past 20 years has explored the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change.

UN Claims of Greater Access to Drinking Water Are ‘Baloney,’ Water Expert Says

Water quality is a serious problem that is not properly acknowledged, says top water expert and adviser Asit Biswas.

The Price of Water: A Comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 U.S. Cities

"For more than 20 years industry has been moving south looking for cheaper labor, I'm hoping that now they'll start coming back looking for cheaper water."

Pakistan Installs Country’s First Urban Rainwater Harvesting System

Pakistan’s first urban rainwater harvesting system has been installed in the capital city Islamabad.

British Company Creates Cheap, Small-Scale Desalination for Agriculture

The new system, which uses sub-surface pipes to remove salts and deliver water to plants on demand, grew 200 prosopis trees in the United Arab Emirates' desert during a test-run.

Peter Gleick: Water and Energy – Obey the Law on Cooling Systems

The connections between energy and water are significant and complex. We use vast amounts of energy to collect, move, treat, use, and clean water. And we use vast amounts of water to produce energy, including for mining, drilling, and processing fossil and nuclear fuels, and especially for cooling power plants.

Watering a Lawn Could Lead to Water Pollution, EPA

Storm runoff can result in a variety of problems, and its causes are just as numerous, according to EPA.

Standing in a Really Long Line: Toilet Queue Serves Indian Village Effort to Promote Sanitation Awareness

The Janadesar village in the arid Marwar Region of India teamed up with the Jal Bahagirathi Foundation on World Toilet Day

International Cooperation Needed to Save Aral Sea, UN Secretary-General

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visits During a visit to five former Soviet republics, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon encouraged Central Asian leaders to work together to keep the Aral Sea from disappearing.