
Drought-resistant Rice Reaps Success in India

A new variety of rice might prepare India's agriculture for a drier future.

Portents of Precipitation: New Atlas Predicts the Rain

stormclouds Researchers from the Australian National Universities (ANU) have created an unprecedented visual atlas of global rainfall projections over the next century.

Downpours, Contaminated Water Sicken Thousands in China

Torrential rains are causing deaths and wreaking havoc in several regions of China.

Budget Constraints, Anomalies Delay USGS Water Data Release

tap Budget and personnel issues have delayed the 2005 U.S. Geological Survey national water use data, leaving many in the water world anxiously awaiting its release.

California Report: In Dry Times, Deep Reservoir of Water Solutions

New report highlights possible solutions to state's water shortages.

Coal Ash: Town’s Toxic Water Embodies National Challenge

Dirty legacy contaminates groundwater of an Indiana town.

Interstellar H20: Discovering the Origins of Water in the Universe

The European Space Agency's Herschel Space Observatory Will Search for the Answers to Star Formation, Water Creation and More

Tropical Rains Moving North, Away from Tropics

monsoon A migrating rain band near the equator is en route to profoundly change the weather as it heads north away from the tropics and subtropics.

Sri Lanka Fights Dengue Outbreak and Stagnant Water

Facing a dengue outbreak, the government of Sri Lanka is trying…

In the Mississippi Delta, No Choice but to Drown

mississippi_river A new study in Monday's issue of Nature Geoscience reports "significant" drowning of the Mississippi River delta is "inevitable"

Peter Gleick: Truth Drought, California’s Real Shortfall

central_valley Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar came to California on Sunday to hear firsthand about California's drought.

Swelling Glacial Lakes and Everest

After two decades, scientists in Nepal are on the ground for in-the-field Himalaya studies.