
More Than Star Trek Optimism: Astronauts Recycle Water in Space

nasawater In outer space, water use aboard the International Space Station is a microcosm of water use here on Earth

Project Replenishes Mythological Greek Lake

thessalyplain A legendary Greek lake, dead since the 1960s, is making a comeback.

Water Unravels the Threads of Time

ruins Radiocarbon dating reveals the age of organic materials, but fire and water can be just as significant for dating ceramic materials.

Q&A: Jennifer Turner on Water Challenges for Growing China

"China is a very energy hungry country, so it’s not surprising that they are damming the rivers."

World’s Largest Rivers Are Losing Water, New Study Says

One-third of the 925 rivers analyzed from 1948 to 2004 have showed “significant changes” in water levels.

Drought Strikes ‘Garden Of Eden’ Marshes In Iraq

Once described as the place of earthly paradise and source…

Climate Chaos Reveals Pattern: Africa’s Sahel Region Faces Recurrent Megadroughts

When in 1968 Garrett Hardin published in the Science journal…

Australians Watch Murray-Darling Water Levels Sink to Record Lows; Situation “Bleak,” Officials Say

May marks the season for rainmakers in Australia. As the month…

Drought Boils Bitter Cup of Tea for India

Significantly reduced tea production in comparison with the first three months of 2008.

The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean

Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s…

Advancing Algal Bloom Chokes Lower Murray Darling River

A vast swath of blue-green algae is making its way through Australia,…

Melting Ice Blurs Borders and Freezes Relations

Borders in this part of Europe haven't changed since 1861.…