
Ethiopia Dam Erodes Local Relations

The air in Ethiopia may catch fire, as plans for a new hydroelectric…

Water Designer Turns Box Thinking Inside Out

While the recent UNESCO Water Report encourages stakeholders…

California Drought: Snowpack Inspires Consumers, Worries Water Experts

One week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state-wide drought emergency for California, rangers reported Sierra snowpack levels at 80 percent of normal. While the measurements of this major source of water might seem cause for relief, experts hesitate.

Sanitation Crisis Brewing in U.S. Tent Cities

As hundreds of thousands lose their jobs and homes monthly,…
Video: The Biggest Dry, Stories of Australia’s Waning Rivers & Worried Towns

Video: The Biggest Dry, Stories of Australia’s Waning Rivers & Worried Towns

A love song, a hymn of mourning: where has Australia's beloved water gone?

A Rice Town’s Cry

Will the sky ever listen again? A lone rice paddy stands flooded…
Video: Aboriginal Elder Beryl Carmichael Sings the River's Lament

Video: Aboriginal Elder Beryl Carmichael Sings the River’s Lament

Using chants and stories, Aboriginal elder Beryl Carmichael shares with Circle of Blue the spiritual and visceral pain of a dry and dying Darling River.
Video: Caring for Basins Beyond Reform with Australian Scientist John Williams

Video: Caring for Basins Beyond Reform with Australian Scientist John Williams

It's time to stop playing around with reform, says renowned Australian water scientist John Williams.
Video: Julian Cribb Predicts "Diabolical" Future for World's River Basins

Video: Julian Cribb Predicts “Diabolical” Future for World’s River Basins

Agricultural journalist Julian Cribb forecasts a perilous destiny for the world's river basins and food baskets, a destiny he attributes to climate change and unchecked agricultural demand for water.

The Biggest Dry: Photo Gallery

From any eye and all angles, the Murray-Darling River Basin conjures…

Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture

At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of…