
Video: Greg Ogle Illustrates Murray's Failing Circulatory System

Video: Greg Ogle Illustrates Murray’s Failing Circulatory System

Farmer turned conservationist, Greg Ogle explains how appearances can be deceiving.

Behind Curtain of Fire, A Land Disfigured By Man and Drought

Can a Century of Canal Digging, Channel Constructing, Man Made…

British Blouses Contaminate Uganda’s Groundwater, Cause Malaria

KAMPALA, Uganda -- Amidst a hungry hoard of giant Marabou storks,…

Eco-Phone to Communicate Future of Sustainable Technology

BARCELONA -- The days of can-to-can communication are over. To…

Minnesota Worries Fighting Flames Poisons Water

Tests begin next month to determine whether a foam firefighters…

Monsoon of Ash: Drought Ravaged Australia on Fire

Parched to a crisp, Australia's prayers for rain seem to have…

Pipes Whisper of Water Crisis in South Africa

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa -- Tanks are great, but pipes are…

Love Could Kill Invasive Lamprey

Scientists have developed a new weapon in the war against the…

Washington’s Prehistoric Water Could Soon be History

KENNEWICK, Washington -- There is nothing more refreshing on…

Drought Causing Mass Migration, Increased Violence in Kenya

ISIOLO, Kenya -- For farmers in parched north-eastern Kenya,…

Drought: California’s Impending Economic Crisis

If money grew on trees, California would still be in trouble.…

Dry Spell Devastates Argentina’s Agriculture

STROEDER, Argentina -- What once was a thriving cattle operation…