
Chinook salmon vanish without a trace

SACRAMENTO -- The Chinook salmon that swim upstream in the Sacramento…

New report says melting pace of glaciers is accelerating

ZURICH, SWITZERLAND -- Most of the world’s mountain glaciers,…

No drug standards for bottled water

AP -- Federal standards for acceptable levels of pharmaceuticals…

2007/2008 Human Development Report

The latest statistics on water, sanitation and nutritional status…

Nutrients in Water: More is Less

The Sierra Club reports on how excess nutrients make our water…

To Your Health: Drink More Water

We all know that water is good for us, but often the reasons…

Turning Salt Water into Fresh Water, One Bottle at a Time

MUNICH, Germany -- An inventor from Munich, Germany, Stephan…

A “Grand” Flush for Colorado River

PAGE, AZ -- Four arcs of water unleashed from a dam coursed through…

Gas-sipping Electric Cars May Guzzle Water

They may not be gas-guzzlers, but electric cars have a raging thirst for water.

Report: Global Urban Poverty – Setting the Agenda

The new Global Urban Poverty: Setting the Agenda report details…

Dry Debris, Not Water, Caused Recent Flows on Mars

A dry landslide—not liquid water—is the most likely explanation…

Study: Less Water for Seattle and Surrounding Communities

The Seattle Times reports that warmer weather and smaller Cascade…