
Study: Unregulated Toxin Present in Tap Water of 31 U.S. Cities

California is the first state to consider a limit on the “Erin Brockovich” chemical, which has been found in 31 of 35 U.S. cities recently surveyed.

Deadly La Niña Goes Global—Part I: For Western Hemisphere, Record Rains in Latin America

Hundreds have died in Colombian floods, as cooler sea temperatures affect regions around the Pacific; climate change seen as a possible cause.

Small Solution to Large-scale Water Pollution — Protozoa Detect Contaminants

A technology start-up is looking small to solve a big global problem.

Infographic: Biofuels 101 — Water Use from Plant to Power Source

Production of ethanol, the most commonly used biofuel, has prompted concerns about water use and food supply.

Study: NASA Shows World’s Water is Warming, Buoy Data Confirms in Great Lakes

In some northern regions, lake temperatures are increasing more than air temperatures.

Q&A: Jonathan Waterman on Running Dry

Jonathan Waterman has lived for five months on the waters of the Colorado River--he's paddled its length and then walked when the river ran out.

More People, More Problems — Water Challenges with Chinese Urbanization

Recent reports reveal the nation's freshwater challenges and their possible solutions.

Top Global Businesses Report Water Risks, Assess Water Use

The Carbon Disclosure Project’s water risk survey is one of many reports and tools addressing corporate water management.

Study: Overpumping Draws Down the World’s Groundwater Reserves

Groundwater depletion doubled between 1960 and 2000.

Great Lakes Threats Go Beyond Asian Carp, Invasive Expert Says

Dr. Reuben Keller calls for long-term solutions to protect the Great Lakes, and the Mississippi and Illinois rivers.

“Typical” Michigan Oil and Gas Lease Auction Casts Doubt on Collingwood Shale Formation

Earlier auction that set state records prompted projections of a new natural gas boom.

Report Highlights Lack of Water Risk Disclosure in Municipal Bonds

The study identifies the need for major overhaul of how water risk is measured and reported in the U.S.