World’s Largest Rivers Are Losing Water, New Study Says
One-third of the 925 rivers analyzed from 1948 to 2004 have showed “significant changes” in water levels.
Drought Strikes ‘Garden Of Eden’ Marshes In Iraq
Once described as the place of earthly paradise and source…
Old Mesopotamian Waters Inadequate for Thirsty Middle Eastern States
Iraq might be soaking in oil, but its water reservoirs have…
Melting Ice Blurs Borders and Freezes Relations
Borders in this part of Europe haven't changed since 1861.…
California Drought: Snowpack Inspires Consumers, Worries Water Experts
One week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state-wide drought emergency for California, rangers reported Sierra snowpack levels at 80 percent of normal. While the measurements of this major source of water might seem cause for relief, experts hesitate.
Saudi Arabia to Join Bahrain in Drive for Desalination
The Middle East takes its water shortages with anything but…
Minnesota Worries Fighting Flames Poisons Water
Tests begin next month to determine whether a foam firefighters…
Love Could Kill Invasive Lamprey
Scientists have developed a new weapon in the war against the…