
As Pandemic Magnifies Navajo Nation Water Deficit, Coronavirus Funding Questions Arise

Navajo Nation president and residents want to use federal Covid-19 funds on water infrastructure. Is that allowed?

CDC, EPA Change Building Reopening Guidance After Acknowledging Error

Agencies admit incorrect guidance in documents intended to protect people from a deadly waterborne disease.

HotSpots H2O: First Case of Covid-19 Confirmed in Crowded Rohingya Refugee Camps

The first case of Covid-19 has been confirmed in one of the world's largest refugee camps, in Bangladesh, which has been preparing for months for the arrival of the illness. 

‘Deadly’ Consequences If Stagnant Water in Shuttered Buildings Is Not Properly Addressed

The extensive closure of offices, hotels, restaurants and other commercial buildings in response to the coronavirus pandemic is a potential health hazard once those structures are reopened to the public.

House Democrats Add Water Provisions to Next Coronavirus Bill Proposal

Democrats seek water shutoff protections and aid to low-income customers as part of $3 trillion package. Republicans quickly dismissed the bill.

HotSpots H2O: Flooding, Locusts, and Covid-19 Strike East Africa

Heavy rainfall and fatal flooding struck parts of East Africa over the past several weeks, leaving hundreds of people dead and displacing thousands. 

For Honolulu, Rising Seas Deliver Flood Risks Three Ways

The biggest source of flooding linked to sea-level rise for Hawaii’s capital city comes not from the sea itself. It comes from underground.

HotSpots H2O: Tracking Covid-19 Cases in the World’s Most Vulnerable Countries

The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in countries identified as priorities in the humanitarian response to the coronavirus pandemic has surpassed 30,000, according to data collected by ReliefWeb.

Water Utilities Want a Bailout. Will Congress Listen?

Water and wastewater utilities and their customers were ignored in Congress’s three coronavirus relief bills.

Perspective: How Does the Coronavirus Crisis Compare to the Global Groundwater Crisis?

Global efforts on the scale of those to curb the devastation of SARS-CoV-2 are few and far between. These months could provide a template for reducing future environmental damage.

Flood Study, With Fresh Approach, Measures Downside of Pavement

Using statistical methods borrowed from economics, a new study estimates the effect of hard surfaces on high waters.

HotSpots H2O: Acute Hunger Could Double Worldwide Due to Covid-19 Crisis, WFP Warns

The World Food Programme and other aid organizations warn that the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic reverberations could cause a substantial spike in global food insecurity.