
116 Confirmed Cases in North Carolina’s Largest Recorded Legionnaires’ Disease Outbreak

Outbreak investigation centers on a fairgrounds in North Carolina’s western foothills.

Tracking the Atlantic Ocean’s Inland Creep in Miami-Dade County

It’s a gentle intruder, moving stealthily underground, out of sight but not undetected. Salt water continues to move farther inland in Florida’s Miami-Dade County, albeit at a slower rate, according to new USGS mapping.

Clean Water Act Showdown at Supreme Court Might Be Avoided. For Now.

A lawsuit with broad implications for the country’s waterways and pollution permitting system might be resolved out of court, avoiding, at least for now, a showdown in the nation’s highest court over the scope of the Clean Water Act.

HotSpots H2O: Financial Troubles Jeopardize Drinking Water Supply in Zimbabwe Capital

The main drinking water plant for Harare resumed treating water after a two-day shutdown that exacerbated shortages in a capital city that is already reeling from drought.

Mountain Regions, ‘Taking the Heat,’ Face Growing Hazards As Ice Melts, UN Climate Panel Warns

IPCC special report describes mounting disaster risks that connect mountains and polar regions to oceans.

In Australia, Echoes of Past, Glimpses of Future As Country Braces for Hot, Dry Summer

A record-breaking drought is pushing rural communities in New South Wales and Queensland to the breaking point.

HotSpots H2O: Locals, Citing Water Concerns, Resist Mexico City Airport Plan

Mexico City’s indigenous residents are pushing back against the revised plan for expanding the megacity’s airport infrastructure.

The Rapid Rise of Legionella: Q&A with Patrick Breysse of the CDC

For public health “you have to confront Legionnaires’ disease,” Patrick Breysse, the director of the CDC's National Center for Environmental Health/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, said.

HotSpots H2O: In Bahamas, Lack of Toilets and Safe Water Pose Disease Risk After Dorian

The Bahamas are still reeling after Hurricane Dorian caused widespread destruction earlier this month.

Study: Inadequate Groundwater for Current and Potential Demands in Basin Targeted by Las Vegas

Spring, creeks, and wetlands on the Nevada-Utah border are at risk in “worst case” pumping scenario, U.S. Geological Survey finds.

How Terrorists Leverage Climate Change

In the era of climate change, the wall between the natural hazards and terrorism is crumbling.

Costs of Water Pollution, a Global Scourge, ‘Underestimated and Underappreciated’

A new World Bank report highlights the extensive damage to health, ecosystems, and economies due to water pollution.