
Benton Harbor: Safe Water Is Still a Luxury

Lead pipes replaced but residents struggle with high water bills By…

Illinois is Losing Water

Leaky pipes must be replaced. But where to get the money? By…
The European frog-bit looks like a little lily pad and lives in shallow waters. Image: Shelby Bauer, Huron Pines

Control for Frog-bit and Water Soldiers

New strategy for limiting the spread of exotic water plants…

Streams of Migration – Special Frontline Report

As droughts wither crops and water insecurity disrupts political…

Minnesota Tribe Sets Enforceable Rules To Safeguard Wild Rice and Water Supply

Ineffective voluntary pollution prevention practices are set aside for mandatory regulation.

Michigan Tribes Fight Long Odds to Restore Wild Rice, Their History

Michigan’s wild rice has dwindled due to dams, wetlands loss, industry and climate change

How Big Ag Pollutes America’s Waters and Makes Money Doing It

Crop production practices that limit nutrients are largely ignored.

HOTSPOTS H20: Vermont Floods Pose Threats to Drinking Water

By Zara Gounden & Fraser Byers, Circle of Blue - July…

Workers Needed to Fulfill America’s Infrastructure Goals

Labor shortage could be a bottleneck as the country rebuilds.

Perspective | Latest Mekong Dam Will Produce Little Power But Much Environmental Harm

Dam critics urge Laos government to cancel project on important Mekong tributary.