
NASA to Launch Moon Water Probe

lcorss_artwork NASA is sending a kamikaze probe to the moon to finally end the debate over lunar water.

Google Brings Water Data to Life

New Collaboration Tool Allows for Seamless Integration of Water Data from Around the World

South Korea’s ‘Green New Deal’ — A Focus on Water

With the prospect of impending water shortages hot on South Korea’s heels, Seoul is reaching into its pocketbook for better water infrastructure.

New Technology Gives Thirsty Plants a Voice

sensor As many around the world anticipate the release of a new iPhone, plants in need of water are getting their own fancy gadget to “communicate” with their growers.

Chinese Court Issues Verdicts Over Water Pollution

kunming Water polluters are on the docket of Chinese courts this week.

Helsinki, Water and the Future of Chemistry?

Helsinki HELSINKI -- The first international Helsinki Chemical Forum (HCF) is well underway, and among the topics being talked about is water.

Peter Gleick: Salt from Water, Money from Pockets?

salt There is always a lot of interest in desalination. I hear it when I give public talks on global and local water issues; I see it in some responses to my blog posts that believe desalination should be much more aggressively pursued

Ganges River to Nourish Arsenic-affected Villages in India

Bihar, in eastern India, will soon launch projects to supply safe drinking water.

Fred Krupp: Changing the Climate at the World Economic Forum

Fred Krupp
Fred Krupp, of the Environmental Defense Fund, talks carbon, Obama and more.

More Than Star Trek Optimism: Astronauts Recycle Water in Space

nasawater In outer space, water use aboard the International Space Station is a microcosm of water use here on Earth

Project Replenishes Mythological Greek Lake

thessalyplain A legendary Greek lake, dead since the 1960s, is making a comeback.

The Battle for the “Greenest” Bottle

bottles Following Pepsi and Nestle, Coca Cola is entering the race for the greenest water bottle.