
Kenya to Fence out Farmers From National Parks

kenyadryriver Kenya is planning to put electric fences around its major national parks and to increase the number of armed guards to protect water resources from farmers

Beijing to Conserve Water Through Pricing

beijing Pressed for water resources, China’s capital is looking for alternative ways to aid its water supply.

New Report: Turbid Water Stirs Up Future of Insecurity for Asia

Asia faces unprecedented water challenges, experts say, but solutions are within reach.

New Legislation to Restore Watersheds & Wilderness in American West

Protection for 2.1 million acres of land and 1,000 miles of rivers.

Digital Drought: Australia’s Future on Fire in Acclaimed Media Project

Australia's drought remains severe, but the award-winning interactive…

After Istanbul: Bridges Built and Burned Over Scarce Water

The United Arab Emirates might be rolling in oil and natural…

Worldwide Drought May Soon Knock on Britain’s Door

Facing severe water shortages, England now offers its citizens…

Water Designer Turns Box Thinking Inside Out

While the recent UNESCO Water Report encourages stakeholders…

California Drought: Snowpack Inspires Consumers, Worries Water Experts

One week after Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state-wide drought emergency for California, rangers reported Sierra snowpack levels at 80 percent of normal. While the measurements of this major source of water might seem cause for relief, experts hesitate.

A Capitol Offensive: Renowned Strategists Challenge U.S. to Lead Global Water Campaign

As the money tree of the world wilts, thirsty from neglect,…

Infrastructure Imminent: Has Australian Tinderbox Found its Match?

In fire-seared Australia, water is a matter of national security.…

Australian Aid Flows to Zimbabwe for Water, Sanitation and Health

Beleaguered Zimbabweans can look forward to at least $10 million…