The Stream, September 6: Sixth Famine Zone in Somalia
The United Nations has declared a sixth famine zone in Somalia,…
The Stream, September 1: Chinese NGOs Urge Apple to Clean Its Supply Chain
An investigation by a group of Chinese green NGOs reveals that…
The Stream, August 25: Dams – China’s Ticking Time Bombs
Southern Weekend, one of China’s major investigative news agencies,…
The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees
The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi,…
The Stream, August 15: Cholera Spreads in Somalia
A cholera epidemic is spreading in drought- and famine-hit Somalia,…
The Stream, August 8: Water Trading Around The World
Are markets in water rights likely to evolve as a rising population…
The Stream, August 5: Food Aid for Africa
Support for farmers in Africa dried up long before Somalia's…
The Stream, August 3: Of Food and Conflict
The Shabab Islamist insurgent group in Somalia is blocking starving…
The Stream, July 28: U.S. Shale Gas and Russia’s Energy Influence
The shale gas boom in the United States has weakened Russia’s…
The Stream, July 27: What’s to Blame for Somalia’s Famine?
Even though drought, poor infrastructure and poverty are all…
The Stream, July 25: Climate, Trade and International Security
Climate change is a real threat to international peace and security,…
United Nations Stalemates on Climate Change and Security
Climate change became a hot-button issue at a recent U.N. Security…