
The Stream, May 2: Energy Peak

Surprisingly to some, carbon emissions and energy in the United…

The Stream, April 25: In Hot Water

The Financial Times reports on the growing local opposition to…

The Stream, April 22: Water Pollution Accidents

China's water sector, the world's third largest, with an estimated…

The Stream, April 11: The Fracking ‘Battleground’

Peru, the world's third-largest copper producer, has rejected…

The Stream, March 3: South Africa’s Energy Mix

Members of South Africa's Parliament are pushing for the country…

The Stream, March 2: Shale Uncovered

In the next chapter of its gas drilling series, The New York…

The Stream, February 15: Budget Cuts

Greenwire gives details on the highs and lows of President Barack…

The Stream, February 3: Australia After the Storm

While a blizzard forced many in the Midwest to hole up in their…

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City

Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

Q&A: James G. Workman on the Bushmen’s Fight for Water Rights and 21st Century Hydro-Democracy

Workman says chances of the Botswanian government returning water rights to the Bushmen as 'pretty slim.'

Peter Gleick: Climate-change Deniers Versus the Scientific Societies of the World — Who Should we Listen to?

Where should the public, not versed in climate science, look for their information and knowledge about this debate about climate change?

Late Night Deal At Copenhagen Conference Seen As First Step

As the Copenhagen conference comes to a close, U.S. President Barack Obama announces climate deal while Sudanese leader Lumumba Di-Aping says developing nations should block the agreement.