China to Cap Energy Use by 2015 in National Low-Carbon Plan
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The energy target will be the highlight of a document to come later this year, as well as a cornerstone of China's efforts to curb soaring greenhouse gas emissions, which currently stand at a quarter of the global total. Cutting coal consumption will inevitably also cut water use, as coal is China's largest industrial user of water.
Infographic: Map of Pollution Levels in China’s Major River Basins
The seven major river basins, as a whole, have had steady improvements in water quality over the past decade.
Behind The Scenes: Ball State University’s Collaboration with Circle of Blue
For her senior thesis project, Season Schafer, a student in Ball…
Double Choke Point: Demand for Energy Tests Water Supply and Economic Stability in China and the U.S.
The cords of energy demand and water supply are tightening around the world's two largest economies.
Rains Bring Relief For Six-Month China Drought, But Chronic Water Problems Loom
Although now satiated, the dry spell is the latest in a growing trend of severe water shortages threatening China's food production, energy generation, and accelerating modernization.
Infographic: Interactive Timeline Mapping China’s Drought-ridden Provinces Since 2007
Water scarcity is becoming an increasingly persistent problem…
China’s Other Looming Choke Point: Food Production
The Yellow River Basin is the center of a contest over water, energy, and agriculture.
Infographic: How Desalination Works
What is the process, and how much energy does it take? This video describes two common methods—reverse osmosis and flash distillation—for obtaining water from the sea.
Infographic: Underground Coal Conversion — Creating Fuels and Fertilizers with Less Water
Though the chemistry and industrial processes for coal gasification…
Infographic: China Leads Top 10 Coal Producing and Consuming Nations
Since 2000, global coal consumption has grown faster than any other fuel, with the biggest market for coal in Asia. Although China tops the global list for both coal consumption and production, the nation has emerged as the world's leading builder of clean coal technology.
Infographic: Three Types of Coal Mining — Process and Facts
Opencast mining involves scraping at the ground's surface, while room and pillar mining occurs below ground. Likewise, longwall mining uses heavy machinery to dig at coal seams beneath the surface: learn more in this interactive inforgraphic.
Infographic: Beijing Water Use and Population Statistics
The population of China's capital has doubled since 1980, and, though agricultural and industrial water use is down, municipal use is up.