
Video: Julian Cribb Predicts "Diabolical" Future for World's River Basins

Video: Julian Cribb Predicts “Diabolical” Future for World’s River Basins

Agricultural journalist Julian Cribb forecasts a perilous destiny for the world's river basins and food baskets, a destiny he attributes to climate change and unchecked agricultural demand for water.

British Blouses Contaminate Uganda’s Groundwater, Cause Malaria

KAMPALA, Uganda -- Amidst a hungry hoard of giant Marabou storks,…

Remember Zimbabwe? It’s Much Worse Now.

Friday was to mark the end of U.S. sanctions against Mugabe's…

The Power of Plastic: Research Reveals Hidden Costs of Bottled Water

As the second most highly purchased beverage in the nation, bottled…

Outsourcing Irrigation, Farming Discontent

World Economic Forum Report Warns Water Scarcity May Breed New…

Texas’ Water Shortages Could Cost State

aus_beryl_590_030309According to Texas’ chief Comptroller Susan Combs, water shortages combined with expected population growth could cost Texans’ their way of life.

Drought Causing Mass Migration, Increased Violence in Kenya

ISIOLO, Kenya -- For farmers in parched north-eastern Kenya,…

U.S. State Department Details Global Water Concerns

Beyond definitions of public and private responsibility, water…

Drought: California’s Impending Economic Crisis

If money grew on trees, California would still be in trouble.…

Dry Weather System May Wither Arizona’s Hopes for Wet Winter

A damp December promises to slake Arizona's thirst, but the incoming…

Quagga Mussels Choking Lake Michigan

A soon to be released report by NOAA scientist Tom Nelepa and others is quantifying this dramatic change in lake ecology

The World’s Water: Hard Facts Point Toward the Soft Path

Experts say water crises can be averted with better management,…