
The Stream, April 10: Japan’s Fukushima Water Tanks Spring Leaks
A leak was discovered at yet another underground water storage…

The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel
Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt…

The Stream, January 27: Water Pollution Strikes Chinese River
Levels of cadmium, a carcinogen, measured 20 percent higher than…

EIA Report: Global Energy Use To Grow 50 Percent by 2035 — Half of Increase from Fossil Fuels in China and India
The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently published its annual report on global energy projections. Though renewable energy sources and nuclear power, along with unconventional fossil fuels, will phase out coal production over the next two decades, it will not be at the pace necessary to offset greenhouse gas emissions

Circle of Blue Director Appointed to World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Water Security
J. Carl Ganter is director of Circle of Blue, a global water…

The Stream, May 26: The La Nina Factor
The La Nina weather pattern may be playing a part in the surge…

Melting Glaciers Changing Europe’s Energy Outlook
What happens when a dependable source of clean, renewable energy becomes unreliable?

Despite Historic, Ecological and International Concerns, Turkey Vows Dam Construction
Turkey’s government announced Wednesday its plans to continue the construction of the controversial Ilisu hydroelectric dam in the underdeveloped southeastern Anatolia.

Melting Ice Blurs Borders and Freezes Relations
Borders in this part of Europe haven't changed since 1861.…

Swiss glaciers retreating at an alarming rate
A graphic overview of glacier length variations in Switzerland…

Melting glacier could draw tourists
CANTON VALAIS, SWITZERLAND -- Motorists who stop to admire the…