
Interactive Map: Indian Water Rights in the Colorado River Basin

Native American tribes are emerging leaders in the drying basin.

Study: Decades-long ‘Megadroughts’ in U.S. Southwest and Central Plains More Likely Due to Climate Change

Droughts that are extreme by today’s standards will be normal by the end of the century, according to NASA research.

The Stream, May 14: NASA Scientist Links Specific Weather Events to Climate Change

Drinking water is safe to consume in the small Pennsylvania town…
Groundwater Rescues New Mexico Farmers

In These Dry Times, Groundwater Rescues New Mexico Farmers

Surface water allocations last year were 10 percent of normal,…

Economics and Water Concerns Alter the Solar Landscape in the US West

The falling price of photovoltaic panels and public concerns…

The Stream, December 5: Afghanistan-Pakistan Water Relations

Afghanistan's plans to build 12 dams on the Kabul River, and…