Mississippi’s Claim That Tennessee Is Stealing Groundwater Is A Supreme Court First
A dispute over an aquifer that crosses political boundaries could…
The Stream, October 5: Drought Compounds Humanitarian Crisis in Sahel
Oxfam has urged the World Bank to stop its support of large-scale…
The Stream, June 26: U.S. Supreme Court Awards Georgia in Tri-State Water Dispute
Tough verdict on Rio+20 from author George Monbiot: governments…
The Stream, March 22: Closing World’s Water Deficit Could Cost $104 Billion Annually
On World Water Day, we look at:
Water Innovation
Third Time’s Not A Charm: U.S. Supreme Court Again Denies Request to Stop Asian Carp
The Supreme Court denied a request by five states that were calling for immediate action to stop invasive Asian carp from infiltrating the Great Lakes. This is the third time that the court has denied an injunction for the Asian carp case.
The Stream, February 28: The Future of Water in Central Asia
Water Law
The U.S. Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by five…
The Stream, January 9: China Moves Forward With South-North Water Transfer Project
China has completed the tunnel under the Yellow River for the…
Water News: What’s Ahead in 2012
News headlines are often dominated by the big, unexpected events…
The Stream, May 3: Nile River Treaty?
Local protests against mining and energy projects in Peru are…
The Stream, April 13: Legal Matters
Dams in Brazil
Despite calls for a moratorium, Brazil’s government…
North vs. South—Carolina States Settle Water Dispute Without Supreme Court
A negotiated agreement ends a three-year conflict between North Carolina and South Carolina over the Catawba and Yadkin rivers.
Supreme Court Rejects Michigan’s Asian Carp Lawsuit
Michigan's Attorney General Mike Cox is “looking at other legal avenues” to pursue the carp battle.