
Agriculture and Sewage Dead Zone: Taking on Nutrient Pollution in the Mississippi River Watershed
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As the impact of agriculture on water quality intensifies around the globe, two lawsuits in the United States aim to reduce the size of the Gulf of Mexico's ‘dead zone’ by setting limits on nutrient pollution in the Mississippi River Basin.

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca
Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

American Arsenic: After a Decade, Small Communities Still Struggle to Meet Federal Drinking Water Standards
When the EPA lowered the arsenic standard for drinking water from 50 parts per billion to 10 in 2001, there were 3,000 water systems in violation. Today, nearly a thousand still are.

Wastewater Recycled for Drinking: Low Water Reserves Prompt Australian Push
On Australia’s western coast, the city of Perth is in critical danger of depleting the water reserves held by its dams. In response, the government is pumping treated wastewater into the Gnangara Mound Aquifer.

Coal Ash Contaminates Groundwater and Drinking Water Sites in 21 States, Study Finds
The EPA must do a better job of regulating the waste and protecting the nation’s water supply.

EPA Releases Draft of Clean Water Strategy for Public Comment
The EPA seeks stricter pollution standards and a national water quality assessment.
Midwestern Cities Sue Chemical Company for Polluting Water Supply
A group of Midwestern communities and water districts has filed a federal lawsuit against Swiss corporation Syngenta AG and its American subsidiary
Clean Water Act Leaves Waterways Vulnerable to Pollution
As many as half of the nation’s largest water polluters might be exempt from the Clean Water Act’s requirements because Supreme Court decisions never clarified what waterways the act protects.

Great Lakes Cleanup to Get $2.2 Billion in Federal Funding
The EPA plan aims to clean up top pollution sites and establish a “zero tolerance policy” toward invasive species