Heart of Dryness: Reversing the Politics of Water Scarcity from the Kalahari to Suburbia
The final installment of our seven-part series of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness examines how we define water rights for the Bushmen in Botswana as well as suburbanites in the U.S.
Clean Water Act Proposal Would Strengthen Federal Protection
Opponents call the proposal a federal power grab, while the bill's author says it would restore the original intent of the landmark water legislation.
Oil Spill in Gulf Could Wash Ashore by Friday, Officials
The oil spill from an oil rig explosion could be leaking oil at five times the rate previously assumed.
Higher Water Prices Needed Globally, OECD Says
A report from 30 of the richest countries in the world says raising water rates will help protect and maintain the precious resource for the future.
The Price of Water: A Comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 U.S. Cities
"For more than 20 years industry has been moving south looking for cheaper labor, I'm hoping that now they'll start coming back looking for cheaper water."
In Detroit: No Money, No Water
Water Department cuts connections to thousands of city’s poor.
Peter Gleick: Climate-change Deniers Versus the Scientific Societies of the World — Who Should we Listen to?
Where should the public, not versed in climate science, look for their information and knowledge about this debate about climate change?
Midwestern Cities Sue Chemical Company for Polluting Water Supply
A group of Midwestern communities and water districts has filed a federal lawsuit against Swiss corporation Syngenta AG and its American subsidiary
Pakistan Raises Water Issue During Diplomatic Talks with India
Pakistan officials argue India’s dam-building violate the Indus River Treaty.
Liquid Assets: Tide Turns Against Privatization of City Water Systems
There's nothing like a fiscal deficit to prompt municipal leaders to think hard about how to save money. Everything is on the table and no city service or asset is untouchable. So last November when the mayor of Carbondale, Illinois made several suggestions for bailing out the cash-strapped city, the idea of selling the municipal water and sewer system gained serious traction.
Michigan Takes Asian Carp Fight Back To the Supreme Court
Attorney General files a new brief to sever ties between Lake Michigan and carp-invested Chicago canals.
Major Nevada Pipeline Project in Limbo
Plans for a major freshwater pipeline for the Las Vegas Valley hit a legal roadblock.
A ruling from Nevada's Supreme Court last week has threatened the fate of a massive pipeline project once hailed as critical to Las Vegas’ freshwater supply