
Everglades Get Sweet Deal in U.S. Sugar Contract
The U.S. Sugar Corporation has approved a $1.34 billion sale…

Fueling the Flow: Paying Attention to Where Water and Energy Meet
More now than ever, the American West is realizing the binary nature of energy production and water delivery.

Obama Policies Could Clean Up Water Act
An insistent cadre of experts and activists have high hopes…

Detroit Attempts to Overcome Water Squabbles, Improve Infrastructure
DETROIT -- Uncle Sam could soon loosen his grip on Detroit's…

Shipping Group Sings Ballast Water Blues, Regulations Remain
DULUTH, Minnesota -- Zebra Mussels traveling into the Great…

EPA Recognizes First Water Efficient House
CHAPEL HILL, North Carolina -- As green builders proliferate…

Buffalo Rustlers in Hot Water as Company Cracks Down on Resource Theft
BUFFALO, New York -- Homeowners unable to pay their water bills…

Choking on Change: Study Estimates Cost of Water Pollution
MANHATTAN, Kansas -- A sip of water, a wad of singles, a wending…

To regulate or not to regulate: California looks for solutions to another year of dry conditions
Fallow fields and cattle for sale foreshadow a future of continued…
New York residents may struggle to pay as water rates rise
NEW YORK CITY -- Could the economic downturn affect consumers…
Approved Great Lakes Compact Registers Ripple Effect Among Michigan Citizens
TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan -- There's a hole in our bucket, dear…

Global water business, a growth industry, attracting more investors
Realistic expectations drive long-term gains, experts predict