
Southern California’s behemoth pipeline nears completion

SAN BERNARDINO, California - Nearly four miles of a 44-mile pipeline…

Arsenic levels in drinking water increase risk of diabetes

WASHINGTON - Millions of people across the U.S. may be drinking…

“No water, no sex”: An interview with Veit Helmer, director of film Absurdistan

During an interview with Circle of Blue, German director Veit…

Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply

For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical…

Op-ed: Clearer Rules, Cleaner Waters

The 1972 Clean Water Act, an act that should serve to regulate…

Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure

SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco's humongous Hetch Hetchy water…

Towering trees teach sustainability: Water scarcity limits growth, enables survival

Recent research determines that the coniferous Douglas Fir…

Race to the Finish: Coal Run Receives Water, City and County Plan to Appeal

Coal Run, a community denied water on allegedly racial grounds, can now turn on the tap at will.

Waste not, want not: Orange County sewage undergoes alchemy

Featured in the New York Times a new sewage treatment plant…

New York Water a Power Issue as Natural Gas Companies Hit Rock-bottom

Flirting with the idea of drilling for energy in the Marcellus shale.

Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy

RED BLUFF, California - Stakeholders in dam profits watch with…

Polyethylene balls balance bromate levels in Ivanhoe Reservoir

High levels of bromate in Ivanhoe Reservoir have inspired officials…