
Water agencies support contentious California water bond
SACRAMENTO, California - A collection of agencies responsible…

Flash floods leave New Mexico mountain town in deep water
RUIDOSO, New Mexico - Two states east of drought-riddled and…

Chicago water pollution a difficult pill to swallow
CHICAGO - Following a study conducted for the Chicago Tribune,…

Opinion: THE GREAT THIRST Oceans of Water
As the public becomes increasingly aware of the oceanic scope…

Santa Cruz quarries: Study identifies not-so-free refill for water-stressed area
SANTA CRUZ, California - A nearly quarter-million dollar study…

Proposed canal to skirt Sacramento Delta issue, cutting instead through private land
SACRAMENTO, California - Letters will be going out to private…

Luiseño Indians’ water rights bill finally reaches President’s desk
SAN JACINTO VALLEY, California - The Soboba Band of Luiseño…

Hurricane Dolly diminishes drought in San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO - A river of rain that swept into San Antonio, Texas…

Appellate Court Blasts Ballast Water Dumping in Great Lakes
An appeals court in California upheld the decision to bar ships…

Oil Tanker Spills 420,000 Gallons into Mississippi River
Coast Guard officials have acted quickly to close down 29 miles of the Mississippi River near New Orleans.

Farmers issue rally cry for water in California
SACRAMENTO, California - Some Californians have celebrated Governor…

Texas residents still lack water as EPA grant expires, unspent
SANTA ROSA, Texas - A recent EPA audit revealed that a $4 million…