
Hawaii River Restorations Reflect National Desire to Protect Water for Public Benefit
Using public trust doctrine, communities restore streams diverted…

World Stands By As Algae and Dead Zones Ruin Water
Expensive research and cleanup efforts make little headway.

Lake Erie Algae Bloom Hits Pelee Island, Moves Toward Sandusky
Lake Erie algae alive and well.
Photo courtesy T. Archer /…

Lake Erie Algae Blooms Prompt New International Targets for Phosphorus
Current targets not enough to stop algal toxins.

EPA’s Proposed Veto of Alaska’s Pebble Mine in Line with Past Uses of Clean Water Act
Legal experts say process should provide certainty, not worry,…

National Climate Assessment: Climate Change Pushing U.S. Toward Water Extremes
The Southwest is drying out, while the Northeast is becoming…

Media Alert: What Can California Learn from Australia’s Biggest Dry?
Interactive Event on California Drought – Lessons Learned from Australia

Peter Gleick: Clarifying the Discussion about California Drought and Climate Change
Confusion about California's drought stems from the failure of some scientists, bloggers, reporters, and others to distinguish among three separate questions.

Report: 25% of World’s Agriculture Growing in Regions of High Water Stress
A new study from the World Resources Institute shows the connection between crops and water scarcity.
Choke Point: U.S. — Water, Energy, and the Ohio River Valley’s New Course
Few places in the United States better understand the economically essential and ecologically risky accord between energy and water than this southeast Ohio town.
Report: U.S. EPA Has Chance to Vastly Reduce Water Pollution from Power Plants
EPA proposes tougher federal wastewater guidelines, while electricity…
Satellite Data Shows U.S. Water ‘Hotspots’
Scientists who use the GRACE satellite say they need more resources…