
The Stream, October 17: Environment Harmed in Rush for Food Security, UNEP Report Finds
Global investments in food security are degrading the environment,…

Heart of Dryness: Climate Change Coping Strategies
Since the dawn of Homo sapiens in arid Africa, nine tenths of our evolution has unfolded as foragers. Only relatively recently did our species embark on agriculture, and recent events suggest certain limits to that extraordinary experiment. Exponential population growth has combined with unprecedented climate change until half the planet’s land surface can now be classified as drylands—arid landscapes inhabited by a third of humankind.

Rethinking cities: Moving the farm indoors
Vertical farms: Reclaiming urban space and moving production…

Wasting away: Effluent water bolsters urban agriculture, but poses serious health risks
Farmers cope with water pollution in their efforts to feed…