
U.S. Groundwater Losses Between 1900-2008: Enough To Fill Lake Erie Twice
Groundwater depletion in the United States has accelerated over the last decade, according to the U.S. Geological Survey, contributing to both localized problems and global issues, like sea level rise.

This Is What Extreme Drought Looks Like, On a Graph
The Arkansas River in western Kansas is flowing at less than…

Draft USGS Water Strategy Collides With Tough Budget Situation
Some key programs identified in the draft, which was released…

The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp
Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…

Pacific Institute Report: Setbacks and Solutions of Water-Energy Clash in U.S. Intermountain West
At the forefront of a national trend, this region is already suffering from intense conflicts that willy only worsen with climate change and population growth. However, the report also highlights several ways to dramatically reduce the water requirements for electricity generation.

USGS Report: Trace Elements Exceed Health Standards in 20 Percent of U.S. Water Wells
Utilities are required by law to treat water to national standards, but no such controls exist for private wells, where the risk from contaminants is greater.

The Stream, August 29: State Department Report Backs Tar Sands Pipeline
The proposed Keystone XL Pipeline Project, designed to carry…
USGS Reports Declining Water Supply, Rising Mineral Wealth in Kabul
Mining for Kabul's untapped reserves could further compromise the area's already fragile water resources
U.S. Water Use Declines, But Points to Troubling Trends, Says USGS Report
U.S. Geological Survey's newest five-year report (2000-2005) reveals positive trends and potential problems for U.S. water use.

The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean
Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s…