
Who Pays? PFAS Lawsuits, Legislation Raise Question of Pollution Liability
Wastewater utilities, whose facilities are a conduit for chemical pollution, object to Democratic proposals in Congress that could hold them liable for the cost of PFAS removal.

EPA Watchdog Flags Unregulated Pollutants in Treated Sewage Sludge
An undermanned EPA is potentially failing to protect human health and the environment from hundreds of pollutants in treated sewage sludge

EPA Announces National Wastewater Nutrient Pollution Census
Agency will study nitrogen and phosphorus removal at wastewater…

America’s Spreading Septic Threat
Failing septic systems produce disease outbreaks, algae blooms,…

Infographic: Lake Titicaca Contends With Water Pollution and Climate Change
Receding glaciers, growing cities, and expanding agriculture threaten the highest navigable lake in the world.

Report: U.S. Water Systems, Deteriorated and Slow to Change, Need New Strategy – And Money
More of the same is not working in changed conditions of the 21st century.

The Stream, December 12: Improving Agricultural Infrastructure
Upgrades to the world's agricultural export infrastructure, such…

Hurricane Sandy Has an Ohio Wastewater Utility Operating Above Capacity
The megastorm's effects reach far, far inland.
Hurricane Sandy--after…

The Stream, March 16: Emissions On The Rise
Climate Change
Fossil fuels will supply 85 percent of the world's…

Pollution, Dry Weather Choke the World’s Major Lakes
Urban waste and falling water levels signaled a rough start to…

The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development
Australia's fast-growing coal-seam gas industry is a "relatively…