
Energy Companies Eye Big Oil and Gas Expansion in Wyoming

Will the fracking boom echo in America’s leading coal state?
A coal loader eats away at a mountain of black coal at the Port of Newcastle in New South Wales, Australia. In 2011, the mines, trains, and coal loading terminals here shipped about 114 million metric tons of coal on about 1,000 freighters, bringing billions of dollars in export earnings.

Global Energy Demand Driving Australia’s Coal and Gas Export Boom

International demand and new technologies push nation to the top for hydrocarbon exports. But massive production has also created worries over water.

Fossil Fuel Boom Shakes Ohio, Spurring Torrent of Investment and Worry Over Water

Ohio’s shale oil and gas fortunes point up. By Keith…

Q&A: Ben Braga on the 6th World Water Forum

Ben Braga, the president of the International Committee for the 6th World Water Forum and the vice president of the World Water Council, talks with Circle of Blue about the Forum next week, the Rio+20 Summit in June, and the solutions to the world water crisis.
Condit Dam removal Washington hydropower pacific northwest

James Workman: Poetry, Slammed — Dambusting Celebratory Removals

The most dramatic freshwater news stories of 2011 literally broke wide open in the Pacific Northwest's hydropowered region, as two major Washington currents were unplugged in in order to replenish an endangered, iconic, transrational species of fish. In that same spirit of silent wonder, and agape, the following 318 words began to arrange and then unglue themselves to honor these inspired, extraordinary events.
Mongolia Slideshow

The Stream, December 8: Water for Export

An Israeli desalination plant that is expected to start operations…

Report: Thirsty Power Plants Increase U.S. Water Stress

Water-energy choke points in Texas serve as examples of a larger issue for the United States, as pointed out in a new report for the Energy and Water in a Warming World Initiative, spearheaded by the Union of Concerned Scientists.

Pacific Institute Report: Setbacks and Solutions of Water-Energy Clash in U.S. Intermountain West

At the forefront of a national trend, this region is already suffering from intense conflicts that willy only worsen with climate change and population growth. However, the report also highlights several ways to dramatically reduce the water requirements for electricity generation.
Mongolia Slideshow

The Stream, October 13: Australian MPs Pass Carbon Tax Bill

Australia's lower house of parliament narrowly passed a historic…

Building China’s 21st-century Megacity: Shanghai’s Experiment with Water and Nature

A new community on the Yangtze River has, so far, been more successful at attracting ducks than people. But city officials have their sights set high for Lingang Port City, which they say could be home to nearly a million people by 2050. Cleaner water will be a big help.
Mongolia Slideshow

Energy Economy Brings Change to Shepherd Life: Modernization Comes to the Dry Grasslands of Inner Mongolia

Along the vast frozen grasslands, 23-year-old Wu Yun and her father, Bao Zhu, tend their flock of sheep and cattle. Just over the ridge, the northern city of Xilinhot is booming as the coal industry continues to expand. But it will take a lot of water to feed both the city and the mining.