Alaska Bulk Water Company Receives Export Contract Extension, Wants to Split with Partner
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True Alaska Bottling sends a notice of dissolution to S2C Global, which rejects the disbanding of their joint bulk water export company.
Navajo Nation Council Approves Water Rights Settlement
If signed by the U.S. Congress, the deal would give the Navajo and Hopi tribes rights to Colorado River water.
Countries Move Forward with Nile Treaty Despite Egypt’s Objections
A weekend meeting of the Nile basin water ministers does not resolve treaty impasse.
Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Water Territories and the Politics of Scale and Identity
An excerpt from the introductory chapter of Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, a book on the effect modern society has on water culture and indigenous communities
Bid to Protect Michigan’s Groundwater Draws Opposition, Praise
A proposed bill that declares Michigan’s groundwater a “public trust” has set off a storm of controversy, with opponents claiming that the legislation would expose property owners to new state fees.
Clean Water Act Leaves Waterways Vulnerable to Pollution
As many as half of the nation’s largest water polluters might be exempt from the Clean Water Act’s requirements because Supreme Court decisions never clarified what waterways the act protects.
Peter Gleick: Who Is Stealing California’s Water?
Someone is stealing our water. Many someones. But who and how much? No one knows today, mostly because the agency responsible for keeping an eye on water rights and use--the State Water Resources Control Board--is blind, deaf, and dumb.
Blind, because they don't look. Deaf, because they don't listen to or act on most requests to investigate water rights allocations and use. Dumb, because they don't talk about these issues. "Asleep at the switch," as a colleague describes it.