
The Stream, January 24: Boosting Food Production

How can the world feed 9.5 billion people, the projected global…

The Stream, January 23: Chevron Appeals $18 Billion Amazon Pollution Fine

Chevron has filed an appeal with Ecuador's Supreme Court to review…

The Stream, January 18: Commercial Agriculture Displaces Ethiopians

Agriculture The Ethiopian government is relocating thousands…

The Stream, January 17: China’s Environmental Litigation

Reuters tells the story of a Chinese "cancer village" that is…

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca

Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…

The Stream, January 9: China Moves Forward With South-North Water Transfer Project

China has completed the tunnel under the Yellow River for the…

The Stream, January 6: U.S. Toxic Releases Increased, Says EPA Report

United States The release of toxic chemicals into the environment…

Ecuador and Oil: Chevron Loses Court Appeal Against $18 Billion Amazon Pollution Fine

Closing in on nearly two decades in court, this "David and Goliath"…

The Stream, January 4: China’s Largest Freshwater Lake Shrinks

Poyang Lake, China's largest freshwater lake, currently has less…

The Stream, January 3: Quake Concerns Suspend Well Operations in Ohio

Ohio has suspended operations at five deep wells used to dispose…

The Stream, December 29: Cleaning Up The Potomac River

Washington, D.C. is ploughing ahead with a $2.6 billion underground…

The Stream, December 6: Canada to Pull Out of Kyoto Protocol

Canada won't renew its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol after…