
Infographic: Unprescribed — Drugs in the Water Cycle

Infographic: Unprescribed — Drugs in the Water Cycle

In 2009, 3.9 billion prescriptions were dispensed in the United States, and an estimated 10 to 40 percent of medicines are not used. With 78 million baby boomers reaching the age when prescription drug use will increase, how will this affect environmental and drinking water?
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, November 18: UNEP Calls for Green Global Economy

Water management trails climate change on companies' agenda,…
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, November 14: What Now for the Keystone XL Pipeline?

The U.S. State Department’s decision to postpone its verdict…
Pharmaceuticals in the Water Systems Infographic

Unprescribed: Legislation to Keep Drugs Out of Water Thwarted by U.S. Pharmaceutical Lobbying

An estimated 10 to 40 percent of prescription and over-the-counter medicines are not used, but how to properly dispose of these drugs depends on who you ask. Since there is no continuous national program, states — and even some cites — are instituting their own regulations, but not without complaints from the pharmaceutical industry.
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, November 7: EPA Fracking Report Due in 2014

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will release its final…
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, November 4: Developing Countries Bear Environmental Burdens, UNDP Report Says

Developing countries are bearing the brunt of environmental burdens…
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, November 3: U.S. Energy Security

Jobs created by the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline wouldn’t…
European Fracking Infographic

Report: Fracking Tests Caused Two Quakes in England, But Unlikely to Threepeat

Shale gas test drilling likely triggered two minor earthquakes in northwestern England earlier this year, according to a a new report commissioned by Cuadrilla Resources, a private United Kingdom-based energy company.
Great Lakes Biennial Meeting IJC 2011 Detroit Michigan

Report & Conference: Assessing Great Lakes Health and Future — Al Gore Delivers Keynote

In Detroit last week, three organizations involved in Great Lakes management held concurrent and joint meetings to discuss the future of one of the world’s largest sources of fresh surface water. Former Vice President Al Gore delivered the keynote address, linking climate change to water issues.
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

The Stream, October 12: Biofuels Spur Hunger

U.S. government support for biofuels and inaction on climate…
The Stream

The Stream, October 7: Final Hearing On Keystone XL Pipeline

Environmentalist Bill McKibben talks to the Guardian about tar…
Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

Infographic: China’s Water Pollution Events and Protection Policies (2004-2011)

China has some of the dirtiest and most dangerous water in the world. This detailed and interactive timeline shows key pollution events, protests, and policy reforms from the last eight years at both the national and regional levels as China tries to clean up its act.