The Stream, March 15: Disaster Losses Exceeded $100 Billion in 2012
Environmental Threats
Natural disasters cost the world approximately…
The Stream, February 15: Drugs in the Water Change Wildlife Behavior
Fish and Pharmaceuticals
A new study in Sweden found that the…
The Stream, February 8: In Texas, Recycling Wastewater for Drinking
Water Supply
Wichita Falls, Texas is moving forward with plans…
The Stream, January 8: Oil Sands Mining Increased Water Pollution in Canada
Oil sand mining operations in Alberta, Canada have been shown…
The Stream, January 3: Snowpack Looks Good for California Water Supply
The first measure of Sierra Nevada snowpack in 2013…
The Stream, January 2: Pollution, Flooding & the Safety of Bottled Water
A pig farm in the Chinese town of Houtonglong has…
The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel
Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt…
The Stream, November 30: Shifting Rainfall Patterns Linked to Migrations
Seasonal migrations of poor, rural communities due to shifting…
Contaminated U.S. Groundwater Sites Will Cost $110 Billion to Clean, Report Says
State and federal regulators need to consider the cost of remediation,…
The Stream, November 9: Hepatitis Outbreak in South Sudan
An outbreak of Hepatitis E in South Sudan refugee camps has killed…
Voices from the Past: Nixon, Congress Debate the Clean Water Act
Four decades ago, national leaders talked about our duty and…