Sao Paulo Drought Perception Impedes Government Action
Transparency , accountability, and civic participation are key…
Map: Sao Paulo Water Supply Systems
Drought has placed Sao Paulo's Cantareira water supply system…
Sao Paulo’s Water Waiting Game Avoided Rationing But Produced Huge Risk of Severe Shortage
Desire to protect the poor left Brazil’s driest city few options…
The Stream, April 5: Irrigating Peru’s Desert
Plans for a $500 million water project in Peru could divert…
The Stream, January 18: The Xayaburi Dam, Water Rationing, and Argentine Corn
Vietnam and Cambodia urged Laos to halt its controversial…
Texas Utilities Use Restrictions, Not Prices, To Cope With Water Shortages
The preference for government mandates reinforces the idea that…
Weather Extremes: Floods, Droughts, Tornadoes, and Extreme Heat Plague Much of U.S.
Extreme weather events in 2011 have been numerous and diverse, prompting some analysts to link the natural disasters to climate change. Most recently, many states are under exceptional-drought and extreme-heat advisories.
The Stream, May 16: Droughts and Floods
A dire drought is forcing France to set severe restrictions on…