
Peter Gleick: Water Lessons from Singapore

"In a move with all sorts of political, economic, and environmental implications, the government of Singapore recently announced that it will not renew one of its two water agreements with its neighbor Malaysia."

Infographic: Alaska to India Bulk Water Export Data

Sitka, Alaska to send millions of gallons of water to India, which will then be distributed in the Middle East.

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis

"...Decisions executives make to respond to freshwater scarcity will penetrate almost every aspect of their business operations."

Indigenous Groups in Ecuador Protest Water Reform Bill

The water legislation would consolidate too much power in the hands of the government, protesters say.

2009 California Water Plan Published

Report recommends upgrading the state's information base to better user understanding of the water system.

Photo Slideshow: Stunning Water Images from the European Space Agency

Images from space including the Ganges River in the Himalayas and the Fox Basin in the Canadian Arctic.

The Price of Hydropower Pursuits in Patagonia

In Chile’s Trackless Mountain Wilderness, A Clash Between Pristine Rivers and Hydropower Prospects

Chile Considers Constitutional Reform of Freshwater Rights

New legislation could extend government control over private freshwater resources.

Reforms Could Lead to Huge Water Savings for California, Pacific Institute Says

Replacing inefficient appliances in homes and upgrading wasteful agricultural equipment could save one million acre feet of water in California, according to a Pacific Institute report released Monday. These reforms could also save the parched state six to eight million acre feet by 2020.

Peter Gleick: Where to find one million acre-feet of water for California.

Californians have improved their efficiency of water use over the past 25 years. The state's economy and population have grown. But total water use has not grown, and per person, each Californian uses far less today. This improvement in efficiency has saved the state's collective rear end. So far.

Peter Gleick: Water, Climate Change, and International Security

It would be nice if water resources fell neatly into national political boundaries. It would be nice if countries that shared water resources cooperated more. It would be nice if climate change wasn't a growing threat to the stocks and flows of water around the world.